Lab units
Elemental Analysis Lab:
Elemental and radioisotopic analyses, and characerization of earth materials.
Experimental Lab:
Hub for experimental setups: synthesis of artifical minerals, chemical extractions from sediments and soils, bacterial incubations and molecular biology techniques.
ICP Lab:
Spatial (>20 μm) element composition in solid earth materials and major, minor, trace element composition in liquified materials.
EPMA (Microprobe) Lab:
Microscale properties and spatial (>0.1 μm) element composition of solid earth materials (e.g. rock). This lab is open for external users as national EPMA facility.
Stable Isotopes Lab:
Isotopic ratios of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and clumped isotopes in carbonates.
NanoSIMS Lab:
Imaging of spatial (50 nm) elemental and isotopic composition of solid materials (e.g. microbial cells). This lab is open for external users as (national) NanoSIMS facility.
Organic Geochemistry Lab:
Quality, quantity and isotopic composition of organic biomarkers (e.g. plant materials, algae) from sediments and soils.
Palynology & Paleontology Lab:
Preparation & processing of recent/fossil pollen, plant materials, microorganisms like dinoflagellates, diatoms, foraminifera.
Porous Media Lab:
Experimental & computational methods for complex and coupled multiphase flow and reactive transport in porous materials.
Sedimentology Lab:
Characterization of sediments and soils, including grain size and mineral identification and composition.
Thin Sections Lab:
Preparation of thin sections of solid earth materials, bones, pottery etc. for electron microscopy and microprobe analyses.
Water Lab:
Analyses of nanoparticles, dissolved fractions and element species in fresh and marine waters.