GeoLab – centralized lab facility at the Faculty of Geosciences

LIF privacy statement

How we handle your personal data:

Why the LIF system?

The GeoLab management is responsible for the general administration of the GeoLab facilities. To provide access to the GeoLab and to facilitate lab projects safely, we ask scientific supervisors and lab users to fill in the digital GeoLab Intake Form (LIF). This digital LIF procedure lowers the administrative load of both lab management and scientific supervisors and ensures the efficient management of the lab resources. 

What information are we collecting from whom?

Besides the name, e-mail address and level of experience of the lab users, we collect only project-relevant information from supervisors. We ask the lab users to provide personal information (e.g., SolisID, campus card, educational path at UU) and we inform them about our safety terms. The provided information allows us to manage the lab capacity, steer resources and ensure safety for everyone.

How are we collecting and managing information?

In the digital LIF procedure, information is provided using the survey tool Qualtrics. Scientific supervisors and lab users are receiving a summary of their joint submission via e-mail with project-relevant information for their documentation. The provided information is stored in a closed SQL database hosted by the ICT Department at the Faculty of Geosciences, to which only the GeoLab management has access. When required, relevant information is sent to other members of the GeoLab Team or the Faculty to, for example, provide access to the GeoLab data server and to the VMA building or to participate in the labskills instruction.

How long do we store information?

From the provided end date of the lab project, all data will be stored for 5 years. Hereafter, only information such as the used lab units, type of project and credit points, affiliation or educational path at UU will be archived for long-term statistical purposes. Only when lab users work with dangerous samples or chemicals (CMRs), we are obliged to archive this information (name of lab users, dangerous material) for 40 years according to the Dutch Working Conditions Act (Arbeidsomstandighedenbesluit) Article 4.10c.4-5 and Article 4.15 (only in Dutch). 

Where to find more information?

The processing of personal data is based on the legitimate interests of the faculty of ensuring proper access and efficient use and administration of the Geo Lab. The LIF privacy scan that documents GDPR compliance can also be consulted for additional information. General information about your privacy at the UU is available at 

Do you have any comments or complaints?

Please get in touch with the GeoLab management, the UU Geosciences Data Team (, or the Geo Faculty privacy officer ( if you have any questions or requests related to your data and your personal rights. You can also contact the UU Data Protection Officer (, or the Dutch data protection authority ( 

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