Elemental Analysis Lab
The analytical instrument we host in our lab include the Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA), X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (for fusion beads and pressed pellets) and Gamma Ray Spectroscopy. Our pool of instruments for sample preparations comprise the Pulverizing Mill, Pellet Press, Cutting Mill, Mixer Mill, Jaw Crusher, Planetary Ball Machine, Fusion Machine (to prepare fusion beads) and Vibratory Sieve Shaker. TGA(analysis) (Sequential) XRF(analysis) Gamma Detector(analysis) Cutting Mill(prep) Mixer Mill(prep) Jaw Crusher(prep) Planetary Ball Mill(prep) Fusion Machine(prep)
Technical experts:
Jan van Tongeren
Helen de Waard
Karin Oostdijkelemental.geolab@uu.nl
In the Elemental Analysis Lab, we mainly prepare samples for analysis by drying, cutting, sieving and grinding them. In addition, we host analytical instruments for the determination of elements and radioactive isotopes in bulk materials. We mostly work on environmental samples including rocks, sediments and vegetation.