GeoLab – centralized lab facility at the Faculty of Geosciences

Experimental Lab

Technical experts: Scientific advisors: Contact:
John Visser
Alexander Hoogenboom
Nadia Breugelmans
Helen King

Mariette Wolthers
(Experimental Mineralogy)

Inge Loes ten Kate
(Mars Chamber)

If no (automated) instrumentation is available to generate data for certain research questions, experimental setups become inevitable. Therefore, we allocate room and equipment for non-conventional sample treatments and analyses of all sorts.

We can provide pre-existing (experimental) methods and facilitate experimentation to establish new customized methods or to adjust existing methods. The projects in our lab include:

  • Synthesis of minerals
  • Treatment/preparation of environmental samples before analysis (e.g., sequential extractions)
  • Flow experiments through sedimentation/sand layers in acetate columns

In addition to standard laboratory equipment, chemicals and consumables, we accommodate high-end analytical instruments (anlys), gloveboxes to work under oxygen-free conditions, climate-controlled, clean rooms as well as lab space and a biosafety cabinet for bacterial incubations (biosafety level 2).





Biosafety Cabinet (level 2)


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