GeoLab – centralized lab facility at the Faculty of Geosciences


Lab unit: Experimental Analysis Lab

Non-destructive chemical analysis of gases, liquids and solids

Device type: Alpha 300 Raman spectrometer
Manufacturer: WITec Germany
Analysis: Chemical analysis of gases, liquids and solids. For solids phase identification can be done, if there are theoretical or reference samples available e.g., for minerals through the RRUFF database. Can be used to examine organic or inorganic material as well as crystalline and amorphous solids. Note, there needs to be sufficient concentration (atom %) for detection in Raman spectroscopy. Complex materials will also produce complex spectra that cannot always be deconvoluted to provide discrete chemical identification although compositional groups can be identified. For solids, crystalline materials also show an orientation dependence.
Sample type: Solid, liquid or gas. Gases and liquids need to be contained within a thin, preferably flat walled vessel
Sample amount: Sampling spot size is on the µm^3 scale, therefore microliters to nanograms is needed for analysis. But, the sample must be finable with a maximum magnification of 100x optical objective lens
Sample preparation: None required, but flat samples work most effectively especially if mapping is a priority
Location: VMB 1.18
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